Antwerp has the best diamond polishers in the world, so what better place to learn to polish than in Antwerp. Today, Antwerp’s tradition of highly skilled master cutters is combined with modern technology developed by its local diamond research centres. During this six-week diamond polishing programme, you will learn how to polish a diamonds, how to mount a diamond in a dop and how to handle a diamond tang.
In HRD Antwerp well-equipped diamond factory, you will be able to experiment on diamonds (boart), learn how to facet the table and how to polish a single cut diamond (eight-cut). Polishing wheels (scaife), tangs, dops and boart (low quality diamonds) are available for all students, while one of Antwerp’s master cutters will closely supervise and assist you.
Apply for diamond polishing course
Duration | 6 weeks (Antwerp) |
Requirements | Min. 18 years |
Number Of Attendants | Max 15 |
Target Group | Diamond dealers, future diamond polishers |
Course Content |
Course Hours | Daily from 8.45 am to 4.45 pm Lunch break from 12.30 pm till 1.30 pm. Morning and afternoon coffee breaks. |
Examination | Practice |
Diploma | “Introduction to Diamond Polishing” Certificate |
Yours To Keep | Manual Loupe |